【CSST Discussion】基于LSST的超新星科学


Legacy Survey of Space and Time - Supernovae science

The Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), conducted by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, promises a transformative leap in supernova (SN) science. LSST's advanced capabilities will detect over ten million supernovae across a diverse redshift range, revolutionizing our understanding of supernova physics and cosmology. This presentation will delve into how LSST's extensive sample size and consistent photometric calibration will mitigate the systematic errors that currently limit SN Ia cosmology. With hundreds of thousands of well-documented Type Ia supernovae, LSST will provide unprecedented insights into the homogeneity and isotropy of the universe, the evolution of supernovae, and their relationship with galaxy formation. Additionally, this presentation will explore how LSST's survey strategy, encompassing both 'main' and 'deep' survey cadences, is uniquely equipped to capture the dynamic nature of supernovae. The main survey, revisiting every few days, and the deep survey, focusing on more frequent observations, together enable detailed investigations into the light curves of supernovae at various redshifts. We will discuss the potential of LSST to probe supernova rate models, the impact of weak lensing on SN brightness distribution, and the measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillation feature using SN Ia. Furthermore, the talk will cover how LSST’s findings can contribute to understanding the evolution of supermassive stars, the endpoints of pair-production supernovae, and the educational and outreach opportunities that these discoveries present. This presentation aims to highlight how LSST's unparalleled data set will not only refine current cosmological models but also pave the way for novel methodologies in studying the universe's vast and dynamic scales through the lens of supernovae.

Ruancun Li (李阮存)
KIAA Shu Qi Meeting Room https://zoom.us/j/87944396019?pwd=WXpuenBkK2ttSzZGbTg4RHJjd1RMZz09 会议号: 879 4439 6019 密码: 658470
Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 9:30AM to Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 11:00AM