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Douglas N. C. Lin, Founding Director of KIAA, Awarded the Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal by the Astronomical Society

Fri, 2015-07-10  Douglas N. C.

President of the Kavli Foundation visits Peking University

Tue, 2015-06-23  On June 10, President Jianhua Lin of Peking University and Vice President Jie Wang warmly welcomed Robert Conn, President of the Kavli Foundation, and Miyoung Chun, Executive Vice President of Science Programs of the Kavli Foundation, at the President Office b

People's Daily Interviews Astronomers at KIAA and DoA

Thu, 2015-06-04  On June 1st, 2015, People's Daily published an article entitled "They are listening to the breath of the Universe", based on interviews with eight astronomers at KIAA and DoA on May 27th.

Professor Sandra M. Faber meets with PKU Vice-President Yansong Li

Mon, 2015-06-01  Professor Sandra M. Faber, renowned astronomer from the University of California, Santa Cruz, visited the KIAA and met PKU Vice-President for International Relations, Yansong Li. KIAA Director Luis C.

Alex Filippenko Delivers Centennial Physics Lecture at Peking University

Mon, 2015-05-25  This month Peking University was pleased to welcome world-famous astrophysicist, Alex Filippenko, to visit the campus. During the visit, Alex Filippenko delivered a public lecture at the Sunny Hall of the Ying Jie Conference Center on May 8, 2015.

East-Asia AGN Workshop 2015

Tue, 2015-04-21  The "East-Asia AGN Workshop 2015" will be held in Changchun, China, on July 14-16, 2015. Co-organized by KIAA Associate Director Xue-Bing Wu, this is the third in a series of workshops designed to bring together AGN researchers in East Asia.

Xinjiang Qitai Radio Telescope (QTT) Science Colloquium Series 1, July 2-3, 2015

Tue, 2015-04-21  The Xingjiang Qitai Radio Telescope (QTT), designed to be a fully steerable 110-m single dish telescope capable of high frequency observations, is now officially in the planning phase.

Science Advisory Committee Meeting

Tue, 2015-04-14  KIAA’s Science Advisory Committee (SAC) held a two-day face-to-face meeting on March 28-29, 2015. In attendance were SAC chair Simon D. M. White (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics), Tom Abel (KIPAC/Stanford), Richard S. Ellis (CalTech), Martha P.

KIAA to Host Workshop on "Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei over Cosmic Time"

Thu, 2015-03-05  The KIAA will host a workshop entitled “Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei over Cosmic Time”, March 17-20, 2015.

The 2015 KIAA-SHAO Bilateral Workshop

Thu, 2015-03-05  The 2015 KIAA-SHAO Bilateral Workshop, the first workshop with the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), will take place at KIAA on May 18 and 19, 2015.