Star formation — Are complex things understandable?

Star formation is among the most complex processes studied by astronomers to date. It is characterised by a multi-scale interplay between gravity, turbulence, magnetic field, galactic shear as well as ironising radiation. The key to understand star formation is to pin down the physical mechanics at work. I focus on the followings:
-- the interaction between galactic disk and molecular cloud, through shear. This mechanism can shut down star formation completely under certainty conditions
-- the interaction between turbulence and gravity, which controls cloud fragmentation.
-- the interaction between stars and gas, through gravity (molecular contrails).

Guangxing Li (Yunnan University)
Jing Wang
Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 4:00PM to Thursday, April 15, 2021 - 5:00PM
​Associate professor at Yunnan University Research Associate at Ludwig-Maximilian of Munich (2014-2018) host: Andreas Burkert PhD of Astrophysics at Max-Planck Institute of Radio Astronomy / University of Bonn (2010-2014) supervisor Karl Menten,, Friedrich Wyrowski Master of Astrophysics at University of Science and Technology of China (2007-2010) supervisor: Ye-Fei Yuan Bachelor of Electronics Engineering and Computer Sciences at Peking University (2003-2007) supervisor: Ren-Xin Xu (department of astronomy