Globular Cluster Systems in M85, M87, and Virgo

Globular clusters (GCs)are an excellent tool to trace the formation and evolution history of their host environments. They have a fossil record about the intense star formation in the early Universe. The stellar population and kinematics of the GCs enable us to trace the mass assembly history of galaxies and galaxy clusters such as the star formation epoch, star formation timscale, and progenitor masses.

In this study, we investigate the GC systems around two interesting massive early-type galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, M85 and M87. M85 is a merger remnant galaxy that shows merging features, and M87 is the most massive galaxy in the Virgo cluster. These two galaxies are believed to have experienced numerous merging events. Based on the survey of GCs around these galaxies, we can understand how they were formed and evolved in the cluster environment. I will present the results of the kinematics and stellar population of the GCs in M85, M87, and intracluster region of the Virgo based on the wide-field photometric and spectroscopic surveys.

Youkyung Ko (PKU-KIAA)
DoA, Rm 2907
Monday, December 9, 2019 - 12:15PM to Monday, December 9, 2019 - 1:15PM