On the rise times in FU Orionis events

Abstract: We examine whether stellar flyby simulations can initiate FU Orionis outbursts using 3d hydrodynamics simulations coupled to live Monte Carlo radiative transfer. We find that a flyby where the secondary penetrates the circumprimary disc triggers a 1–2 year rise in the mass accretion rate to 10^−4 M_sun/yr that remains high (&10^−5 M_sun/yr) for more than a hundred years, similar to the outburst observed in FU Ori. Importantly, we find that the less massive star becomes the dominant accretor, as observed.

Elisabeth Borchert (PhD at Monash University)
Zoom information: Meeting ID: 822 8287 7472 , Passcode: astroPKU , Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82282877472?pwd=VXFOYmtaRUhZMVplYWp1OFQ4OGsvQT09
Monday, March 7, 2022 - 1:30PM to Monday, March 7, 2022 - 2:00PM