Reproduce the star formation history of galaxies from simulations

Abstract: Star formation history (SFH) is important in a galaxy’s formation and evolution. It affects the shape, mass, metallicity, color, and many other properties of a galaxy. And it also encodes the physics which drives the galaxy evolution. Retrieving the SFH of galaxies is always a critical issue in the research of galaxy formation. This is a tough task due to the complexities and uncertainties in the formation of galaxy. Benefitted by the arisen of hydro-dynamic cosmological simulation, we can investigate the simulated galaxies without strong prior assumptions on SFH. This provides researchers a powerful tool for investigation on SFH. I would like to show my recent works investigating the SFH in simulations, which may bring light to task of recovering the SFH of observed galaxies.

Dr. Yang Wang (Peng Cheng Laboratory)
KIAA 1st meeting room + zoom Meeting ID: 822 8287 7472 , Passcode: astroPKU , Link:
Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 12:00PM to Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 1:00PM