First massive galaxy clusters emerging from the cosmic web at z~2


In this talk I report upon our results on the intracluster medium (ICM) of two clusters at the time when first clusters start to emerge from the cosmic web, z~2. Results are derived from new, high resolution, deep SZ and X-ray data providing us with the measurement of the two most distant resolved pressure profiles. IDCSJ1426 cluster at z=1.75 has a core whose properties are not far from the final stage, while the remaining part of the cluster is experiencing a sizable gas, heat and entropy transfer. JKCS041 at z=1.80 is caught just after a major merger event as evidenced by its SZ-X-ray peak offset, its low central pressure, and its low Compton-Y parameter compared to its WL mass. Comparison with plausible descendents shows that its ICM will experience major changes at all radii.

Stefano Andreon (INAF-OA Brera, Milan, Italy)
KIAA Shu Qi meeting room
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - 1:30PM