Chilean Delegation Visited KIAA

A Chilean delegation visited KIAA and attended a special seminar with faculty and postdocs from KIAA on September 1, 2016. In attendance were Ezequiel Triester, President of the Chilean Astronomical Society and Professor in the Department of Astronomy in Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Guido Garay, Director of the Department of Astronomy and Professor of the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Universidad de Chile, Eduardo Unda, Executive Director of the Chilean Astronomical Society and Director of the Unity of Astronomy in Universidad de Antofagasta, Roberto Assef, Associate Professor of the Astronomy Core, Universidad Diego Portales, Maximiliano Movano, Academic of the Universidad Católica del Norte, Astronomer Liaison Manager of the same University and Director of the Ventarrones Project, Suijian Xue, Vice Director of National Astronomical Observatory of China, Jiasheng Huang, Chief Scientist of the CAS South American Center for Astronomy, Luis Ho, Director of KIAA, Xuebing Wu, Associate Director of KIAA, and a number of faculty and postdocs from KIAA.

During the seminar, Luis Ho gave a welcome speech and introduced astronomy at KIAA and PKU. Members of the Chilean delegation, Ezequiel Triester, Guido Garay and Roberto Assef talked about the status of astronomy at their respective Chilean institutions and areas of potential collaboration with KIAA.  Researchers from KIAA, Subo Dong, Gregory Herczeg, Ran Wang, and Yingjie Peng gave highlight science talks on supernovae, star formation, high-redshift quasars, and galaxy evolution.

Participants agreed that KIAA already has developed strong foundations for collaboration with the Chilean astronomical community, and they all look forward to strengthening further ties in the near future.