2015 Chinese Astronomical Society (CAS) Annual Meeting Announcement

We are pleased to announce that Peking University (PKU) will host the 2015 Chinese Astronomical Society (CAS) Annual Meeting.


The CAS annual meeting is the most important meeting for the Chinese Astronomical Society. The 2015 meeting will be held at the PKU main campus on October 19-21, and organized by the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Department of Astronomy at PKU. One of the main goals of the 2015 meeting is to bring together all Chinese astronomers to seek future collaborations between universities and the institutues of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This annual meeting will cover cutting-edge topics in all branches of astronomy, as well as education and public outreach.


For more information, including organizing committees, registration, lodging, programs, etc., please check the meeting website http://2015casmeeting.csp.escience.cn.



Jie Yao: 13167555786, yaojie@pku.edu.cn

Linhua Jiang: 18518026102, jiangKIAA@pku.edu.cn

Hongyu Meng: 025-83332036, cas.nj@pmo.ac.cn