KIAA welcomes Dr. Jinyi Shangguan (上官晋沂) as a new faculty member

Dr. Jinyi Shangguan

KIAA welcomes Dr. Jinyi Shangguan as a new faculty member.  Dr. Shangguan is a leading scientist in high-resolution observations of black holes, with specific interests in the structures around black holes and how the black holes co-evolve with their host galaxies.

Dr. Shangguan obtained his PhD in 2018 at Peking University with research on the interstellar medium of quasar host galaxies, under the supervision of Prof. Luis Ho. He then joined the Infrared Group of Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, in the group of Nobel Prize winner Prof. Reinhard Genzel, and has been working on observations and data analyses of the VLTI/GRAVITY interferometer. Infrared interferometry is one of the most powerful but also most challenging methods in astronomy. Dr. Shangguan is the leading global expert on applying infrared interferometry to obtain ultra-high-resolution measurements of the regions around supermassive black holes, including the broad-line region dynamics and hot dust continuum of active galactic nuclei.

Beyond interferometry, Dr. Shangguan’s research includes multiwavelength observations to measure the black hole accretion and host galaxy physical properties. He is interested in measuring the fundamental properties of black holes and galaxies with advanced observational and physical modeling techniques.

His arrival will enhance the strength of Peking University's astronomy discipline in the field of galaxies and observational astronomy, including preparation for and eventual use of the Chinese Space Station Telescope. His rich experience and profound expertise will provide valuable guidance and inspiration to our students.

We extend our warm welcome and heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Shangguan on his joining!

The Very Large Telescope Interferometer and GRAVITY instrument on the European Southern Observatory’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. GRAVITY is being upgraded to GRAVITY+!