Gravitational Physics and High-energy Phenomena


Gravitational and high-energy astrophysics studies the Universe at the extreme. It employs fundamental physics theories as well as state-of-the-art observational and computational facilities to study black holes, neutron stars, exploding supernovae, and relativistically moving particles, to gain deeper understanding of the behavior of

matter and radiation at extreme temperatures and densities, enormous velocities, immense magnetic fields, and in highly curved spacetime.

KIAA currently have 12 full and 4 joint faculty members working in the field of gravitational and high-energy astrophysics. Our research encompasses vast area in both theory and observation, including the formation and growth of black holes, neutron star physics and equation of state, gravitational waves, cosmic rays, relativistic dynamics, and gravity theory. Our research teams use large telescopes, astronomy satellites, high-performance computer clusters, as well as paper and

pencils to carry out these research.

Full faculty members: Xian Chen, Luis Ho, Kohei Inayoshi, Kejia Lee,

Lixin Li, Zhuo Li, Fukun Liu, Lijing Shao, Ran Wang, Xuebing Wu,

Renxin Xu, Qingjuan Yu

Joint Faculty Members: Pau Amaro-Seoane, Claudio Ricci, Rainer

Spurzem, Feng Yuan