Alessia Longobardi

KIAA Fellow
Research interests: 
formation and evolution of extended halos around galaxies in galaxies cluster, age, metallicity, and IMF studies
Research Highlights: 

I am an observational astronomer interested in the  formation and evolution of extended halos around galaxies in galaxies cluster. The halo is especially interesting as dark matter dominates there and the dynamical scales are long, preserving records of past formation events in the orbital structures of the stars. Moreover, in such dense environments the majority of galaxy stars are expected to be accreted, making these objects ideal laboratories to study  galaxy formation and evolution paradigms.  As consequence of the low surface brightnesses that characterise the outer stellar halos I use bright stellar tracers, like Planetary Nebulae, to study the light, distribution and kinematics of their parent stellar population. Moreover I am extending my interests in age, metallicity, and IMF studies  in order to trace the on going build up of a massive galaxies, in the entire parameter space that includes photometry, kinematics, stellar population and slope of IMF.