A Combined Spitzer and Herschel Infrared Study of Gas and Dust in the Circumbinary Disk Orbiting V4046 Sgr

Title A Combined Spitzer and Herschel Infrared Study of Gas and Dust in the Circumbinary Disk Orbiting V4046 Sgr
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2015
Authors Rapson, V A, Sargent, B, Sacco, G G, Kastner, J H, Wilner, D, Rosenfeld, K, Andrews, S, Herczeg, G, van der Marel, N
Journal apj
Volume 810
Pagination 62
Keywords circumstellar matter, infrared: stars, line: identification, stars: low-mass, stars: pre-main sequence
DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/810/1/62