Lamost Observations in the Kepler Field. I. Database of Low-resolution Spectra

Title Lamost Observations in the Kepler Field. I. Database of Low-resolution Spectra
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2015
Authors De Cat, P, Fu, J N, Ren, A B, Yang, X H, Shi, J R, Luo, A L, Yang, M, Wang, J L, Zhang, H T, Shi, H M, Zhang, W, Dong, S, Catanzaro, G, Corbally, C J, Frasca, A, Gray, R O, Molenda-Żakowicz, J, Uytterhoeven, K, Briquet, M, Bruntt, H, Frandsen, S, Kiss, L, Kurtz, D W, Marconi, M, Niemczura, E, stensen, R HØ, Ripepi, V, Smalley, B, Southworth, J, Szabó, R, Telting, J H, Karoff, C, V. Aguirre, S, Wu, Y, Hou, Y H, Jin, G, Zhou, X L
Journal apjs
Volume 220
Pagination 19
Keywords astronomical databases: miscellaneous, stars: fundamental parameters, stars: general, stars: statistics
DOI 10.1088/0067-0049/220/1/19