Star formation in the filament of S254-S258 OB complex: a cluster in the process of being created

Title Star formation in the filament of S254-S258 OB complex: a cluster in the process of being created
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2015
Authors Samal, M R, Ojha, D K, Jose, J, Zavagno, A, Takahashi, S, Neichel, B, Kim, J S, Chauhan, N, Pandey, A K, Zinchenko, I, Tamura, M, Ghosh, S K
Journal aap
Volume 581
Pagination A5
Keywords HII regions, infrared: stars, ISM: clouds, stars: formation, stars: pre-main sequence, techniques: photometric
DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/201322787