JINGLE ─ IV. Dust, H I gas, and metal scaling laws in the local Universe

Title JINGLE ─ IV. Dust, H I gas, and metal scaling laws in the local Universe
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2020
Authors De Looze, I, Lamperti, I, Saintonge, A, Relaño, M, Smith, MWL, Clark, CJR, Wilson, C D, Decleir, M, Jones, AP, Kennicutt, RC, Accurso, G, Brinks, E, Bureau, M, Cigan, P, Clements, D L, De Vis, P, Fanciullo, L, Gao, Y, Gear, W K, Ho, L C, Hwang, H S, Michałowski, M J, Lee, JC, Li, C, Lin, L, Liu, T, Lomaeva, M, Pan, H-A, Sargent, M, Williams, T, Xiao, T, Zhu, M
Journal \mnras
Volume 496
Pagination 3668-3687
Date Published jun
Keywords Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, extinction, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: star formation, ISM: abundances, ISM: dust
DOI 10.1093/mnras/staa1496