【CSST Discussion】利用多波段测光数据测量 SDSS类型体的热光度

Bolometric Luminosity Estimation from Multi-band Data in SDSS Quasars

利用多波段测光数据测量 SDSS类型体的热光度

Bolometric luminosity is the integrated emission of the spectral energy distribution (SED), defined as the total energy radiated per second by an object across all wavelengths in all directions. The bolometric luminosity of the quasar serves two crucial purposes: representing the mass accretion rate of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) and, when combined with black hole mass, determining the Eddington ratio. Thus, bolometric luminosity is vital for understanding SMBH accretion history. However, measuring it poses significant challenges. A common approach relies on just one monochromatic luminosity. I'll introduce bolometric methods from the past decade and their limitations. Finally, I'll present our latest findings on improving bolometric measurement accuracy basing larger quasar samples with multi-band data. Our method is based on an unsupervised neural network Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and can significantly reduce systematic errors in bolometric luminosity calculations. This approach applies to quasar populations across a wide range of luminosities and redshifts even with limited data. Additionally, I will discuss how CSST, a next-generation optical space telescope, can enhance the bolometric luminosity of quasars.

Jie Chen (陈洁)
KIAA Shu Qi Meeting Room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87944396019?pwd=WXpuenBkK2ttSzZGbTg4RHJjd1RMZz09 会议号: 879 4439 6019 密码: 658470
Thursday, November 7, 2024 - 10:00AM