【CSST Discussion】The Early Evolution of Galaxy Structure Across Cosmic Time: Demography and Case-Specific Context 早期星系结构的时间演化: 群体统计和个例分析

The Early Evolution of Galaxy Structure Across Cosmic Time: Demography and Case-Specific Context

早期星系结构的时间演化: 群体统计和个例分析

Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies has remained a fundamental challenge since the early 20th century. Though morphological observables extracted from 2D images are static, the evolutionary pattern can be discerned through statistical studies of galaxies at different stages of their life. Meanwhile, large-scale surveys enable us to identify specific cases that might challenge the classic paradigm or help refine our current grasp of galaxy structural evolution. In this talk, I’ll discuss topics that concern galaxy morphological evolution in the JWST era, including (1) The statistical strategy to trace the morphological evolution across cosmic time; (2) New perspectives of substructure formation (bulge, disc, bar, etc) from recent high-z studies; (3) How the simulation counterparts (or not) at different cosmic epoch help us understand the processes that govern the assembly of galaxies into the Hubble sequence.

By embracing the tremendously large imaging datasets with CSST and other future projects, we’ll be ready to reveal the internal and external processes that govern the structural assembly of galaxies across cosmic time.

Bingcheng Jin (金秉诚)
KIAA Shu Qi Meeting Room https://zoom.us/j/87944396019?pwd=WXpuenBkK2ttSzZGbTg4RHJjd1RMZz09 会议号: 879 4439 6019 密码: 658470
Thursday, January 9, 2025 - 10:00AM