【CSST discussion】Spatially resolved SED fitting of nearby galaxies 近邻星系空间可分辨的SED拟合

Title: Spatially resolved SED fitting of nearby galaxies 近邻星系空间可分辨的SED拟合

Abstract: Multiwavelength imaging data, ranging from the far-UV to the far-infrared, can provide powerful constraints on the stellar populations and dust properties of galaxies, and mitigate the infamous age-dust-metallicity degeneracy. In recent years, advances in stellar population synthesis codes and computational techniques have enabled the spatially resolved modeling of the full broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of nearby galaxies on the kiloparsec scale. As the first talk on "Spectra and SED modeling", I'll briefly introduce the basic concepts of SED fitting and the related codes and models. I will then focus on the state-of-the-art methods for spatially resolved SED fitting, emphasizing their differences from the global fitting approach in terms of techniques and assumptions adopted. I will also discuss the applications of the method, in particular how the combination of SED data with gas observations can reveal the processes of star formation and dust evolution in galaxies.

Qifeng Huang (黄齐丰)
KIAA Shu Qi Meeting Room https://zoom.us/j/87944396019?pwd=WXpuenBkK2ttSzZGbTg4RHJjd1RMZz09 会议号: 879 4439 6019 密码: 658470
Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:00AM