Title | The ALMA-QUARKS Survey: Detection of Two Extremely Dense Substructures in a Massive Prestellar Core |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Authors | Mai, X, Liu, T, Liu, X, Zhu, L, Garay, G, Goldsmith, PF, Juvela, M, Liu, H, Mannfors, E, Tej, A, Sanhueza, P, Li, S, Xu, F, Semadeni, EVazquez, Jiao, W, Peng, Y, Baug, T, Yang, A, Dewangan, L, Bronfman, L, Gómez, GC, Palau, A, Lee, CWon, Qin, S-L, Tatematsu, K'ichi, Chibueze, JO, Yang, D, Lu, X, Luo, Q, Gu, Q, Issac, N, Zhang, S, Li, P-S, Zhang, B, L. Tóth, V |
DOI | http://dx.doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ad19c3 |