
Lin, J, Chen, H, Wang, B, Xu, RX, 4FGL J1318.2+6754: A Long Orbital-period Redback Candidate, , vol. , p. , .
Lan, G-X, Li, Y, Li, Z, Accessing the Host Galaxies of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with Next-generation Telescopes, , vol. , p. , .
Esposito, F, Alonso-Herrero, A, Garcia-Burillo, S, Casasola, V, Combes, F, Dallacasa, D, Davies, R, García-Bernete, I, García-Lorenzo, B, Muñoz, LHermosa, de Arriba, LPeralta, Pereira-Santaella, M, Pozzi, F, Almeida, CRamos, Shimizu, TTaro, Vallini, L, Bellocchi, E, González-Martín, O, Hicks, EKS, Hönig, S, Labiano, A, Levenson, NA, Ricci, C, Rosario, DJ, AGN feedback in the Local Universe: Multiphase outflow of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5506, , vol. , p. , .
Chen, L, Qin, S-L, Liu, T, Liu, H-L, Liu, S-Y, Liu, M, Shi, H, Li, C, Tang, M, Zhang, T, Tatematsu, K'ichi, Li, X, Xu, F, Wu, Y, Yang, D, ALMA High-resolution Spectral Survey of Thioformaldehyde (H₂CS) toward Massive Protoclusters, , vol. , p. , .
Lee, J-E, Kim, C-H, Lee, S, Lee, S, Baek, G, Yun, H-S, Aikawa, Y, Johnstone, D, Herczeg, GJ, Cieza, L, ALMA Spectral Survey of an Eruptive Young Star, V883 Ori (ASSAY). I. What Triggered the Current Episode of Eruption?, , vol. , p. , .
Xu, F, Wang, K, Liu, T, Tang, M, Evans, II, NJ, Palau, A, Morii, K, He, J, Sanhueza, P, Liu, H-L, Stutz, A, Zhang, Q, Chen, X, Li, PShing, Gómez, GC, Vázquez-Semadeni, E, Li, S, Mai, X, Lu, X, Liu, M, Chen, L, Li, C, Shi, H, Ren, Z, Li, D, Garay, G, Bronfman, L, Dewangan, L, Juvela, M, Lee, CWon, Zhang, S, Yue, N, Wang, C, Ge, Y, Jiao, W, Luo, Q, Zhou, J-W, Tatematsu, K'ichi, Chibueze, JO, Su, K, Sun, S, Ristorcelli, I, L. Tóth, V, The ALMA Survey of Star Formation and Evolution in Massive Protoclusters with Blue Profiles (ASSEMBLE): Core Growth, Cluster Contraction, and Primordial Mass..., , vol. , p. , .
Mai, X, Liu, T, Liu, X, Zhu, L, Garay, G, Goldsmith, PF, Juvela, M, Liu, H, Mannfors, E, Tej, A, Sanhueza, P, Li, S, Xu, F, Semadeni, EVazquez, Jiao, W, Peng, Y, Baug, T, Yang, A, Dewangan, L, Bronfman, L, Gómez, GC, Palau, A, Lee, CWon, Qin, S-L, Tatematsu, K'ichi, Chibueze, JO, Yang, D, Lu, X, Luo, Q, Gu, Q, Issac, N, Zhang, S, Li, P-S, Zhang, B, L. Tóth, V, The ALMA-QUARKS Survey: Detection of Two Extremely Dense Substructures in a Massive Prestellar Core, , vol. , p. , .
Liu, X, Liu, T, Zhu, L, Garay, G, Liu, H-L, Goldsmith, P, Evans, N, Kim, K-T, Liu, S-Y, Xu, F, Lu, X, Tej, A, Mai, X, Bronfman, L, Li, S, Mardones, D, Stutz, A, Tatematsu, K'ichi, Wang, K, Zhang, Q, Qin, S-L, Zhou, J, Luo, Q, Zhang, S, Cheng, Y, He, J, Gu, Q, Li, Z, Zhang, Z, Zhang, S, Saha, A, Dewangan, L, Sanhueza, P, Shen, Z, The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. I. Survey Description and Data Reduction, , vol. , p. , .
Xu, F, Wang, K, Liu, T, Zhu, L, Garay, G, Liu, X, Goldsmith, P, Zhang, Q, Sanhueza, P, Qin, S, He, J, Juvela, M, Tej, A, Liu, H, Li, S, Morii, K, Zhang, S, Zhou, J, Stutz, A, Evans, NJ, Kim, K-T, Liu, S, Mardones, D, Li, G, Bronfman, L, Tatematsu, K'ichi, Lee, CWon, Lu, X, Mai, X, Jiao, S, Chibueze, JO, Su, K, Tóth, VL, The ALMA-QUARKS Survey. II. The ACA 1.3 mm Continuum Source Catalog and the Assembly of Dense Gas in Massive Star-Forming Clumps, , vol. , p. , .
Hao, W, Kouwenhoven, M B N, Spurzem, R, Amaro-Seoane, P, Mardling, RA, Xu, X, Analysis of Kozai cycles in equal-mass hierarchical triple supermassive black hole mergers in the presence of a stellar cluster, , vol. , p. , .
Wang, Z, Liang, D, Zhao, J, Liu, C, Shao, L, Anatomy of parameter-estimation biases in overlapping gravitational-wave signals, , vol. , p. , .
Tian, X, Li, Z, Gou, QB, Zhang, H, He, H, Feng, C, Di Sciascio, G, Approach for composition measurement of cosmic rays using the muon-to-electron ratio observed by LHAASO-KM2A, , vol. , p. , .
Wang, C, Li, R, Shan, H, Xu, W, Yao, J, Jing, Y, Gao, L, Li, N, Xie, Y, Zhu, K, Yang, H, Chen, Q, Assessing mass-loss and stellar-to-halo mass ratio of satellite galaxies: a galaxy-galaxy lensing approach utilizing DECaLS DR8 data, , vol. , p. , .
Li, H-B, Gao, Y, Shao, L, Xu, R-X, Asteroseismology of Compact Stars, , vol. , p. , .
Bershady, MA, Westfall, KB, Shetty, S, Law, DR, Cappellari, M, Drory, iv, N, Bundy, K, Yan, R, Asymmetric drift in MaNGA: mass and radially dependent stratification rates in galaxy discs, , vol. , p. , .
Zhang, C, Liu, T, Ren, Z-Y, Zhu, F-Y, Liu, H-L, Wang, K, Wu, J-W, Li, D, Jiao, S, Tatematsu, K, Juvela, M, Lee, CWon, Jiao, W, Bronfman, L, Zhou, J, Xu, F-W, Tej, A, Hwang, J, Soam, A, Das, S, Chibueze, JO, ATOMS: ALMA three-millimetre observations of massive star-forming regions - XVI. Neutral versus ion line widths, , vol. , p. , .
Reyes-Reyes, SD, Stutz, AM, Megeath, ST, Xu, F, Álvarez-Gutiérrez, RH, Sandoval-Garrido, N, Liu, H-L, Benchmarking the IRDC G351.77-0.53: Gaia DR3 distance, mass distribution, and star formation content, , vol. , p. , .
He, W, Akiyama, M, Enoki, M, Ichikawa, K, Inayoshi, K, Kashikawa, N, Kawaguchi, T, Matsuoka, Y, Nagao, T, Onoue, M, Oogi, T, Schulze, A, Toba, Y, Ueda, Y, Black Hole Mass and Eddington-ratio Distributions of Less-luminous Quasars at z \ensuremath\sim} 4 in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Field}, , vol. , p. , .
Wang, T, Xu, K, Wu, Y, Shi, Y, Elbaz, D, Ho, LC, Zhang, Z-Y, Gu, Q, Wang, Y, Shu, C, Yuan, F, Xia, X, Wang, K, Black holes regulate cool gas accretion in massive galaxies, , vol. , p. , .
Li, Q, Kilbinger, M, Luo, W, Wang, K, Wang, H, Wittje, A, Hildebrandt, H, Van Waerbeke, L, Hudson, MJ, Farrens, S, Liaudat, TI, Liu, H, Zhang, Z, Wang, Q, Russier, E, Guinot, A, Baumont, L, Peters, FHervas, de Boer, T, Wang, J, McConnachie, A, Cuillandre, J-C, Fabbro, S, Black Hole–Halo Mass Relation from UNIONS Weak Lensing, , vol. , p. , .
Ginsburg, A, Bally, J, Barnes, AT, Battersby, C, Budaiev, N, Butterfield, NO, Caselli, P, Colzi, L, Dutkowska, KM, García, P, Gramze, S, Henshaw, JD, Hu, Y, Jeff, D, Jimenez-Serra, I, Kauffmann, J, Klessen, RS, Levesque, EM, Longmore, SN, Lu, X, Mills, EAC, Morris, MR, Nogueras-Lara, F, Oka, T, Pineda, JE, Pillai, TGS, Rivilla, VM, Sánchez-Monge, Á, Santa-Maria, MG, Smith, HA, Sofue, Y, Sormani, MC, Tremblay, GR, Vermariën, G, Vikhlinin, A, Viti, S, Walker, D, Q. Wang, D, Xu, F, Zhang, Q, A Broad Line-width, Compact, Millimeter-bright Molecular Emission Line Source near the Galactic Center, , vol. , p. , .
Kuhn, L, Shangguan, J, Davies, R, Man, AWS, Cao, Y, Dexter, J, Eisenhauer, F, Schreiber, N MFörster, Feuchtgruber, H, Genzel, R, Gillessen, S, Hönig, S, Lutz, D, Netzer, H, Ott, T, Rabien, S, Santos, DJD, Shimizu, T, Sturm, E, Tacconi, L J, Broad-line region geometry from multiple emission lines in a single-epoch spectrum, , vol. , p. , .
Liu, W, Zhan, H, Gong, Y, Wang, X, Can early dark energy be probed by the high-redshift galaxy abundance?, , vol. , p. , .
Fu, Y, Wu, X-B, Li, Y, Pang, Y, Joshi, R, Zhang, S, Qiu, Y, Zhu, R, Wang, H, Wolf, C, Zhang, Y, Huo, Z-Y, Ai, Y L, Feng, X, Bouwens, RJ, CatNorth: An Improved Gaia DR3 Quasar Candidate Catalog with Pan-STARRS1 and CatWISE, , vol. , p. , .
Fu, Y, Wu, X-B, Li, Y, Pang, Y, Joshi, R, Zhang, S, Wang, Q, Yang, J, Ng, FL, Liu, X, Qiu, Y, Zhu, R, Wang, H, Wolf, C, Zhang, Y, Huo, Z-Y, Ai, Y L, Ma, Q, Feng, X, Bouwens, RJ, CatNorth: An Improved Gaia DR3 Quasar Candidate Catalog with Pan-STARRS1 and CatWISE, , vol. , p. , .
