Latest News

KIAA Held the Governing Board Meeting

Sat, 2017-05-06  On May 3, 2017, the Governing Board meeting was held at KIAA.

KIAA Held the Science Advisory Committee Meeting

Sat, 2017-05-06  On May 1-2, 2017, the KIAA Science Advisory Committee held a two-day face-to-face meeting.

PKU Party Secretary Ping Hao visits KIAA

Mon, 2017-05-01  On April 27, 2017, a group led by Ping Hao, Party Secretary of PKU visited KIAA.

5 Postdcs at PKU Won the Chinese Science Postdoctoral General Grant in Astronomy

Mon, 2017-05-01   Chinese Science Postdoctoral Foundation has announced the awardees of the postdoc general grant this year.  PKU (KIAA & DoA) takes 5 of the 11 postdoc general grants in the field of astronomy.The awardees in astronomy at PKU are as following:First-class (2 po


Mon, 2017-05-01   “近距离感受北大、零距离拥抱物院”,“2017年北京大学物理学院优秀大学生暑期夏令营”,暨“第十届物理学、大气科学、天文学、核科学优秀大学生暑期夏令营”定于2017年7月14日至16日举办。 本次夏令营主要包括以下三部分内容:1) 北大物理学院各二级学科(系所或中心)负责人向

Announcing the Workshop of Pulsar Timing Array in China

Mon, 2017-05-01  

Announcement of Summer Camp for Outstanding Undergraduate Students in 2017 _“2017年北京大学物理学院优秀大学生暑期夏

Sun, 2017-04-30   “2017年北京大学物理学院优秀大学生暑期夏令营”预报名通知   “2017年北京大学物理学院优秀大学生暑期夏令营”将于2017年7月中上旬举办。本次夏令营的举办规模、活动主题、具体要求与往年相同。为了能让申请人有更充足的时间准备、与所报系所(中心)更充分地沟通交流,本次夏

VISTA Peeks Through the Small Magellanic Cloud’s Dusty Veil

Wed, 2017-04-26  The ESO issued a press release about the work that Richard de Grijs and Smitha Subramanian Hari Sharma from KIAA have been and continue to be involved in.

New Discoveries Fill the Gap of Quasar Color Selection

Tue, 2017-04-25  A team at KIAA carried out the first systematic z ~ 5.5 quasar survey.

Announcing the KIAA 10th Anniversary Symposium

Mon, 2017-04-10  The KIAA 10th Anniversary Symposium will be held on May 4, 2017 at KIAA.