Discovery of Dong's team Listed as one of the Top 10 Achievements in Astronomical Science and Technology in 2016 in ChThu, 2017-06-15 |
World's Largest N-body Simulation "TianNu" Discovers the Differential Neutrino Condensation EffectWed, 2017-06-14 KIAA postdoc fellow Hao-Ran Yu and his research team completed the World’s largest N-body simulation “TianNu” on the Chinese Tianhe-2 supercomputer. |
Astronomer at KIAA Interviewed by Major Media in ChinaTue, 2017-06-06 |
Kavli Science Highlight: Did a Starry “Mosh Pit” Spawn LIGO’s Gravitational Waves?Sat, 2017-06-03 The Kavli Foundation presented Rainer and his team's work on LIGO binary black hole detection as one of their science highlights. |
First Chinese Pulsar Timing Array Meeting Held at KIAAThu, 2017-06-01 |
International Team Completes Large Survey of Gas in Nearby GalaxiesThu, 2017-06-01 The team, comprising investigators from Italy, the UK, China, Germany, Chile and have completed a large survey of molecular gas in nearby galaxies using the 12m APEX telescope in Chile. |
"Black hole-Host Lifecycle Evolution" Workshop Held at KIAATue, 2017-05-30 |
Jing Wang (王菁) Joins the KIAA FacultyFri, 2017-05-26 . |
Merging Galaxies Have Enshrouded Black HolesTue, 2017-05-16 An international team of astronomers from China and Chile use NASA's NuSTAR telescope to observe the penetrating high-energy X-ray emission from 52 galaxies. |
The KIAA 10th Anniversary Symposium Held at PKUTue, 2017-05-09 On May 4, 2017, the KIAA 10th Anniversary Symposium was held at KIAA, PKU. |