Tue, 2021-12-28 The annual “KIAA/DoA Postdoc Science Days” took place on December 22-23 at the KIAA Auditorium. The Postdoc Science Days is an in-house conference for postdoctoral researchers to share their research with all members of PKU astronomy.
Fri, 2021-12-10 The KIAA Governing Board welcomes new chair Ru Huang, Vice President of Peking University. Prof. Huang replaces Prof. Qihuang Gong, Executive Vice President of Peking University, who provided strong oversight during his term. The Governing Board also welcomes
Tue, 2021-12-07 KIAA postdoc Yu Qiu won a PKU Outstanding Postdoc Award, while incoming postdoc Lin Wang won the PKU Boya Fellowship.
Tue, 2021-11-23 Gregory Herczeg was invited by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) for an interview with the Senior Lead Editor of the AAS Journals, Prof. Frank Timmes.
Tue, 2021-11-23 KIAA welcomes Dr. Lile Wang, an expert in numerical simulations of exoplanets and their formation, to PKU as a new faculty member.
Fri, 2021-11-26 KooGiG-Junior is an annual forum on the role of gas and dust in galaxies from low to high redshift. The forum aims to bring together active astronomers, especially early career scientists, for the purpose of exchanging recent progress and discussing future fro
Thu, 2021-10-28 EPTA is a scientific collaboration bringing together teams of astronomers around the largest European radio telescopes, as well as groups specialized in data analysis and modelling of gravitational wave (GW) signals. It has published a detailed analysis of a c
Tue, 2021-10-19 Si-Yue Yu (余思悦) has been awarded a prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers after the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's selection committee meeting in 2021.
Mon, 2021-09-06 Imagine that you could go back in time and ask Albert Einstein if people could directly detect gravitational waves, the extraordinarily faint ‘ripples’ in space-time, it must be hard for him to admit that people could make it come true about 100 years after
Fri, 2021-09-03 Jing Wang, faculty of KIAA at Peking University, was invited by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) for an interview as part of the AAS Journal Author Series with the Senior Lead Editor of the AAS Journals, Prof. Frank Timmes.